If you’ve ever wanted to make a videogame, then join the Corvallis Game Devs this Friday @5pm for Ludum Dare 42 at
the Corvallis Foundry!
‘Ludum Dare’ is an event where participants have three days to make a game entirely from scratch. Teamwork is encouraged – though not required.
If you’re interested in the process of game development (either videogame related or something more physical), but have no experience, then feel free to stop by and see the process first hand or join in on the event! People of all skill levels are welcomed.
For more information about Ludum Dare, visit the website: https://ldjam.com/
If you have any questions, then feel free to contact the Corvallis Game Dev Facebook page!
Where to go:
The Foundry is located on the second story, there’ll be a sandwich board out front directing you! Keep an eye out for it between The Gearbox and Many Hands Trading.